Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Time Hog

Ok here's the deal, anyone who knows me knows that it really takes a lot to make me aggravated. But there is one thing that really irritates me. Time Hogs. A Time Hog is someone who talks all the time about things that they think are relevant to the topic but is so far off that by the time they're done you've forgotten what the topic was in the first place. There is a Time Hog in two out of my three classes. The worse thing is is that it is the same person. I try to sit there and listen contently and patiently but after a while I just zone out. As this person goes on and on about their job or kids or experiences I lose it. The instructor seems to be engaged in the conversation but I'm not. I bet this person wasted 10 minutes of class today telling us how to choose what area of Human Services we should or should not get into. It almost seems like the Time Hog wants to teach the class.

Am I being selfish or do I have a valid point? Do I say something to the instructor or not? What you think?


Sherry Ingle said...

Well, since you asked....I think you should mention it to the instructor. After all you are paying $$$$ to take this class and not get advice from Mr Know it all.
(plus there are probably others in the class feeling the same way you do!)

Brian Warrell said...

Thanks Sherry

I know we are suppose to pray for our enemies, so I've been doing that. In my devotional today the reading was Matthew 18:15-20 which states: If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won him over. But if he will not listen to you bring some one with you. Then if he still won't listen take it to the church.

So I think I going to pray on this a little while and talk to this person first.

Knida cool how God puts anwsers right in front of us sometimes.