Monday, September 29, 2008


I started playing music in the 5th grade in beginning band. I played trumpet. As I went through school I moved over to the tuba. I played the tuba in the marching band in high school for a couple of years. But I always wanted to play Bass Guitar. On February 10 1975 I bought a brand new Fender Precision Bass (pictured below) and a small amp. My dad loaned me the money and I got a part time job to pay him back. I got together with some guys from school and we formed a band. We would play at mostly kegger parties. I played in several bands until around 1989. Playing in bars and the heavy drinking got to be to much. When my first son was born I just stopped playing.

Fast forward to July 2004. It was my Dad's 70th birthday and we had a huge party for him. My younger brother Keith plays guitar and my Dad plays sax. So we decided to get together and play a few songs. Our cousin Charles is a drummer so we had a complete band. That was the first time we had ever played together as a family. Everyone really enjoyed the music and we had a great time. Shortly after that Keith asked if I wanted to get a band together and play a few gigs around to make a few bucks. We've been playing at biker bars and events since then. It's fun and we make a little money.

About six months after we got the band together I started going to GCC. The first time I went there I knew I needed to be a part of the worship team. I auditioned and was asked to join the team.

Here's the cool thing. After not even touching a bass in over 15 years God had a plan for me. Since I started playing again I've played the past 3 Christmas Eve Services which averaged around 11,000 people each, 2 Easter Services with a similar attendance. Over 40 weekend services averaging 6000 per weekend, Hundreds of Church leaders and Pastors at the Innovate Conferences, hundreds of children in the children's ministry, and several hundred bikers in the bars and kegger parties.

When I was a kid I had dreams of playing for thousands of people. By the grace of God now I do.

Photo from Summer's End Biker Fest 2007 Bristol IN

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Innovate 08

I had the humbling honor and privilege of serving for the Innovate 2008 church conference at Granger Community Church. Innovate is a two day event where pastors and church leaders from all of the country come to attend seminars and workshops. This has been my third year in a row to serve and I wouldn't miss it for anything. For me it's a great way to meet new people, find out where they're from and hopefully build some new friendships. With the wonders of modern technology it's so easy.

Serving in this area is another way for me to help others. My mission is to "Help others find their potential and purpose in life by sharing my experience, strength, hope, and the love of Jesus" and the musical talents He's blessed me with.
During my morning readings on Thursday before the conference I read this scripture.

Psalm 150
1 Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.

2 Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.

3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,

4 praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,

5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.

6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Time Hog

Ok here's the deal, anyone who knows me knows that it really takes a lot to make me aggravated. But there is one thing that really irritates me. Time Hogs. A Time Hog is someone who talks all the time about things that they think are relevant to the topic but is so far off that by the time they're done you've forgotten what the topic was in the first place. There is a Time Hog in two out of my three classes. The worse thing is is that it is the same person. I try to sit there and listen contently and patiently but after a while I just zone out. As this person goes on and on about their job or kids or experiences I lose it. The instructor seems to be engaged in the conversation but I'm not. I bet this person wasted 10 minutes of class today telling us how to choose what area of Human Services we should or should not get into. It almost seems like the Time Hog wants to teach the class.

Am I being selfish or do I have a valid point? Do I say something to the instructor or not? What you think?