Friday, January 17, 2014

Solitary Retreat

The view in front of my cottage
For the past 5 1/2 years I've been running hard trying to keep everything together. Working full time, going to school full time, keeping a home, being a good dad and building a relationship with a wonderful woman had left me exhausted. Several months ago I planned to take a retreat somewhere alone (once I finished school and after the holidays). Well this week was the week I set aside to do just that. I spent three days alone in a cottage at GilChrist Retreat Center near Three Rivers Michigan. The facility was great, the people on staff were very friendly and helpful, and the time alone with God was rejuvenating. I didn't realize how tired I was until I had a short conversation with John the director of the center. He was walking his dog as I was unloading my car. He stopped to say hi and welcome me. We struck up a conversation and I told him about finishing school, working, family, etc. and that I needed some alone time and his reply was "you are exhausted". That's when he said that it hit me, yep exhausted.

I spent the next three days almost in silence. I read several select passages in the Bible, finished reading Man the Dwelling Place of God by Tozer. I read The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. I relaxed, contemplated, prayed and let go of the worries of my world. Part of the time was spent outside walking around the property, through the woods and meadows. Every moment was a chance to reconnect with God.

I really needed this time to regain center, slow down and relax, and reconnect with the One who makes all things possible.