Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Test Day

OK, I get off work a little early today so I can get to Ivy Tech before 5:30. I rush home grab a bite to eat and jump in the shower. Everything is going as planned. I leave the house at 4:40 and decide to take some "back roads" to avoid the rush hour traffic. As I turned a corner to take my shortcut I realized that a slow train was crossing. You know how it is every time you think your going to make good time something gets in the way? The train goes by and I get behind some people driving really slow. It seemed like it was taking forever to get there. I pulled into the parking lot and checked the time, 5:15. Not too bad after all.

I go to the testing room sign in and take a seat. The proctor goes over the procedure and gives us the go signal. Reading was up first, read the story, answer the questions, no problem. Next was writing. From the sample tests I had taken I thought I'd have tough time with this, but it went pretty well. Then it was time for math, Pre-algebra to be exact. The questions got harder as the test went on. It seemed like I was doing fairly well for awhile but once the Algebra kicked in I was toast.

When I was finished I taked to the proctor. I didn't realize it at first but he had been my 8th grade Science teacher. He remember my name but didn't recognize me either. I think the reason he remembered my name after all these years is because I used to get into a lot of trouble in his class. Anyway, as he went over the scores with me I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Reading: 87 Student appears to have college-level reading skills. No additional course required.
Writing: 98 College-level Freshman Composition ENG 111. Talk to your advisor.
Pre Algebra: 83 Student's computational skills are adequate. MAT 050 Basic Algebra.

I knew going in that I would do pretty well in reading and math but writing? I thought for sure I'd be in an introduction to college writing course.

Wow! I'm feeling pretty good about all of this!

1 comment:

Sherry Ingle said...

Hey Brian..welcome to the blog-o-sphere!!! And going back to school too??!! You are ambitious!!