Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sin is Adultery

The word sin has lost its meaning in our culture. Wonderful tasting foods are marketed as "sinfully delicious." Sin is sexy, fun, and thrilling and greatly misperceived as "something fun and enjoyable that God doesn't want me to do." We rarely think of sin as the source of all we hate in life...of all that steals, kills, and destroys.

Sin at the core is choosing my will and ways, despite what God declares about his will and ways that lead to love and life. Basically, when I don't trust that his ways will get me the life that satisfies, I choose my will and ways-that's sin. To most, it feels like no big deal because it's the way of the world.

To feels like adultery.

excerpt from Soul Revolution by John Burke

1 comment:

Terry Ingle said...

His bride leaving Him for another lover...What else could you call it?

Thanks for sharing that my brother. It made me think.