Monday, April 13, 2009

Look Around

Luke 3:11(NIV)

John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same."

The other day I was listening to Joyce Meyer while driving to work. She was talking about blessings. She said something to the effect of: Look around your house, you have things there that you hardly ever or never use. Take those things and give them to someone who needs them or will use them, be a blessing to someone today.

As she was talking about this, a particular item I own and who I should give it to came to mind. I bought it a couple of years ago on impulse. I didn't need it at the time and I never really used it either. So yesterday I packed it up and took it to church with me to gave to a talented young man who will use it. He didn't have one but he really should for the type of work he does (he has been borrowing one from other guys for a while now).

When I gave it to him he was in disbelief, he thought I was joking at first. The joy on his face was beautiful. He thanked me and asked why I had done this. I told him that I bought it a couple of years ago and don't ever use it, and God told me (through Joyce Meyer) to give it to him.

Blessing a friend this way is good for the soul, the joy on his face warmed my heart.

Please understand that I'm not telling this story to blow my own horn. I'm sharing this because I feel that we as Christians need to bless each other, love each other, share with each other.

Look around your house, bless someone today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've thought alot about this. I love the thought of being a blessing to someone. I pray that if there is a way I can be a blessing, God will show me.