Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blown away......

My 19 year old son Neil is an amazing young man. He is a computer whiz who builds extremely powerful and fast computers and also does repair work. He works evenings at Domino's in Granger. Since I work days we tend to pass each other as we come and go. When he gets home after work he stays up playing online video games with people from all other the world.

This morning he told me a story that blew me away. Yesterday morning he got a call from one of his online friends that has been having some personal problems. He said that she is recently divorced and is staying on the military base in Florida where her ex is stationed. She is really depressed and down and would have to move off the base in a few weeks. She is having finance problems on top of everything else. She called because she was having thoughts of suicide. He spent a good part of the day talking with her until her phone went dead. It was turned off due to past due balances on the account. He went to work and didn't hear from her all night. When he got home he decided to do some online research to see if he could get her address. He found what he was looking for and called the local police department in Florida. He told them what was going on asked if they would go by and check on her. Two hours later they called back and said that she was fine and her mother bought a ticket for her to fly back home to Maine. Then he said that he had a plan "B" if she didn't have a way to get home to Maine. He said that he was prepared to go to Florida and bring her here for a few days if she needed a place to stay.

Wow! I stood there as he told this story and I could hardly hold back the tears. My first comment was "That's awesome Neil, I don't know that I could have been willing to do what you did".

He acted as though it was nothing at all, just doing what he thought was right. Man if that's not the love of Jesus I don't know what is.


Sherry Ingle said...

Sounds to me like you have been a great example in your sons life!

Kristin Baker said...

Wow! What an awesome story!