Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another Snowy Morning

I got up at 5:45 today and looked out the window and saw that it was still snowing. UGH. I am really getting tired of this winter. With the first snow coming in October it's been a long cold ride. So I thought to myself what would be good for breakfast. Coffee? of course. Cornflakes? nope. Peanut butter and Jelly? no way. I know... beacon and eggs, Oh Yeah. There is something about beacon and eggs in the morning to get the day started off right. Man where they good.


Terry Ingle said...

My favorite Sunday morning fare is a home made skillet. You know, fried potatos, green pepper,tomatos,onion,any kind of meat I can find in the fridge,hot sauce, topped with 2 eggs over easy. Sherry hates it because it makes the house smell like a greasy spoon diner for the rest of the day, but what a way to start it!

Anonymous said...

I went skiing with my older son Jeff. For hours. On Friday. It was great. The skiing and our time together.

So I have lost my right to complain about winter.

My wife makes incredibly good French Toast. She makes even better fruit pies (no canned filling - Ughh). And a slice of fruit pie for breakfast? Warmed in the microwave? With vanilla ice cream? Doesn't that cover the basic breakfast food groups?