Sunday, October 19, 2008


I just got home from the GCC 2008 Men's Retreat: Totus Porkus Going Whole Hog for Jesus. This event is one of the highlights of the year for me. This year over 220 men attended the 2 day event. Friday evening started off with a hog roast followed by worship and a sermon by Pastor Mark Beeson (you can get more detailed accounts of the event on his blog).

During the teaching on Friday he posed these questions;
"Where do you intend to be in 4 years?"

My ability to financially help others?
My ability to spiritually help others?
My ability to financially provide for myself?
My ability to spiritually feed myself?
Which of the 7 deadly sins do you least struggle?

These are very important questions. But for me to answer them I need to look at my past. Where was I 4 years ago? I was in a deep dark place. Depressed, broken, spiraling down into a pit that would eventually lead to death. 3 years ago I was found, saved, forgiven, baptised. 2 years ago I was in stride moving forward growing closer to God. 1 year ago at the retreat Mark challenged us to step up and make a move. He had each man write on a card what his move was going to be, then attach that card to the cross. When the retreat was over and everyone had packed up and gone I stayed around for a while and walked out to the lake. I had some alone time with God. I asked him to guide me, strengthen me, work through me. I had written on my card: "I want to help others find Christ." Within a few weeks the thoughts of going to school began. Now I'm enrolled in college, working on a degree and helping other people find their meaning to life.

Photo by Jeff Kamp

This year he called us out again; write on a card and attach it to the cross. I wrote: "Continue the quest you sent me on last year." After the retreat was over I went back out and stood in that same spot on the lake. Had some alone time with God, asked for more strength, more courage, more guidance and I thanked Him for the opportunity to help build His Kingdom in this way.

Where do I intened to be in 4 years?

4 times closer to being the man God wants me to be.

1 comment:

Jeff Kamp said...


I had a blast this weekend. Thanks for being a great man of God and a great friend of mine.